CARSON VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION P.O.Box 2048 Gardnerville, NV 89410

August 2005 NEWLETTER

Board of Trustees
President Mechele Johnson 782-6102
V/President Mary Sandhagen 267-5676
Treasurer Helen Martin 782-8852
Secretary Nancy Clarke 782-8035

Past Presidents & Member at Large
Tom Sexton/Bob Tompkins 265-4948
Mickie Fowler 266-3818
Elinor Skiles 265-5813

Next Regular Meeting
Time: 1:30 pm
Where: Minden Library
Aug 26, 2005

Our demonstrator will be

Next Board Meeting Sept 1st
Members welcome to attend)

Sept 1st –Hang at WNCC Show
Sept 30 – Take down WNCC Show
CVIC HALL in Minden - Judged Show

Nancy Kilburg 783-3462; Diane Campbell 265-5924

Publicity, Historian & Newspaper Editor
Janice Frost 783-9626

Carson Valley Show
Margaret Biggs 265-3867

Scholarship Committee
Beth Bosmans 782-5606

Elinor Skiles Porcelain Vase
1st Place in
Southwest Porcelain Designs
This painting can be found at:
CVAA Website:
Gordon Pefley Webmaster

Minutes CVAA Meeting July 22
Mechele Johnson called the meeting to order and introduced Mary Sandhagen who introduced demonstrator Kate Aubrey, to the audience of approx 30. A short meeting followed since Aubrey was allowed ample time to complete her beautiful painting of a barn surround by plants.
       Mechele announced that Secretary Nancy Clarke was not present due to her show at Valhalla, Tallac in Lake Tahoe. Janice invited the audience to attend and if interested to carpool to Valhalla the coming Monday, view Nancy’s paintings, see other artists’ works and eat at the Beacon Restaurant next door on the beach.
       Nancy Kilburg reported on the very successful Mini Show at East Fork Gallery and said 10 paintings were sold.
It will probably be repeated next year making it the 3rd miniature show at EFG. Janice Frost has the tape that was made and shown on Channel 26 several times. It will be sometime in the future.
       Folks were reminded to remove and hang their paintings at East Fork Gallery Mini Show, at WNCC and at the Genoa Museum and Cultural Center.
The joint July 4th Show at CVI with NAA was a huge success and CVI wants to duplicate it next year. NAA reported that more sales occurred there in the two days than in a six week period at Brewery Art Gallery due to heavy tourist traffic. Ric Rose signs were spectacular!
       Helen Marin gave the Treasurer’s report.
The meeting was adjourned and members mingled socially while enjoying the refreshments.
       Submitted by Acting Secretary    Janice Frost


The 26th Anniversary Reception, Sunday, July 24, was the best ever. More food, people and laughter filled the gallery as each enjoyed the fact that this fine gallery has been in existence for 26 years.

Note from Editor Janice Frost
       If you have anything you would like to submit to the CVAA Newsletter please phone or e-mail me at:775-783-9626 or
       I do not always have information at hand for art exhibits or art galleries that members would enjoy viewing or having others see. I would appreciate this very much!

Demonstrator for August 26 Meeting

       Our demo will be promptly at 1:30 by DORRINE SADILEK, a native of California but lived with her husband in Hawaii for 13 years getting her nursing degree from the University of Hawaii. She always managed to take a few art classes along the way and retired from nursing after 10 years of service with the Department of Prisons in Carson City.
       Dorrine served as President of NAA for 3 years and has enjoyed pursuing her passion for art through various mediums and has finally pretty much settled upon pastels having been influenced by Laverne Lightfoot. She has also painted many years with Lady Jill Mueller in watercolor media.
       Mary Sandhagen, Vice Pres.

Paint-Out Planned for Mon., Sept. 12th

       Nancy Kilburg has spear-headed a paint-out to Lily Lake at Lake Tahoe on Monday, September 12th. Meet at 8:00 a.m. her home in Chichester Estates for car-pooling. She lives at 1478 Grendon Way, Gardnerville (go east on Gilman Street from the corner of 395 at Sharkey’s)
       Entrance road to Lily Lake is on the left side of highway, past Camp Richardson close to the Kiva Beach entrance on the right side of the highway. Nancy will provide a map at the August 26th meeting. For details, call 783-3462.

Reiko Hervin Watercolor Class
Sept 1 – Dec 1 (7 classes) at NV Coop Extension of Douglas Co, Gardnerville
Contact Reiko at 1-775-465-1163 or e-mail:

Reiko’s painting titled "Tranquil Moment-Koi" won the People’s Choice Award at the Carson Valley Days Show

Watercolor painting by Reiko Hervin

Message From Our President

       The summer is quickly coming to an end, and before we know it, the scholarship show will be upon us.  Marge Buttles and Beth Bosmans have graciously accepted Co-Chairmanship of the show.  We have a judge...Kate now we need some spectacular paintings to make it all come together.
       Our shows have been getting better and better, with new talent moving into the area, and old members improving as well. Let’s all get together and make this one spectacular.
       We have a good following who support us and buy at this time of year for Christmas presents. Let’s give them a very special treat with our best work ever.
       Also remember to put aside materials for the flea market. This is the one way we raise money for the Elizabeth Johnson Scholarship. We have had some wonderful donations so far, but can use more. Here are some ideas: Art supplies, Books, Frames, Brushes, Art Magazines, anything you can think of. It all goes to a good cause.
Our show at WNCC for September is coming up. We hang the show the 1st of the month and take down the 30th.
We had a wonderful demonstration by Kate Aubrey.
She taught us all how to look at color in a new way. That goes for all of us, regardless of the medium we use. I think she gave us all something to think about. We want to thank her for the great demonstration she did for us.
       Hope to see you ar our next meeting, August 26th.
Your President, Mechele Johnson

"Art in the Garden 2005"- Show
Wine Tasting and Live Music
August 20 10-3:00 p.m.
Greenhouse Garden Center
2450 S. Curry Street, Carson City 89703
Jean at 882-8600

Demo by Kate Aubrey

      The demonstration by well known artist Kate Aubrey was a delight. Although she is known best for her renditions of trains and trainmen, she also paints exquisite scenery which is what she did for the meeting on July 22.
       Her barn painting was already drawn out and she had the light areas covered with yellow leaving a great deal of white. As she progressed, she kept in mind balance of color. Each color she added, she did so in various spots on the canvas . Gradually, the painting evolved into a full blown painting with perfect balance of color and shape.
       Her darks and lights reflected the lovely palette she had selected. The audience was so enthralled with both her painting and her constant informative talking-- punctuated with a keen sense of humor, that we kept her 30 minutes overtime with the demo. Kate is an excellent instructor!
       Go to her website at  to view her vast collection of paintings at her studio called "Moon-hawk Studio".

Board Meeting Report

       At the Board Meeting held August 4th, the board discussed the Carson Valley Inn Show (CVI Show) which was on Sunday, July 3 and Monday, July 4th. The show was a huge success due to the heavy traffic coming in and out of CVI and going past the Shannon Ballroom where the show was held. Many paintings were sold.
       The Shannon Ballroom is a dining room and not set up for an art gallery. Although successful, the room needs a few changes to give the paintings a more advantageous showing. Here are some of the suggestions the board made.

    1. Have more grids so that the paintings would not have to be placed on floor level
    2.. Lighting needs more lights to show up paintings.  Ric Rose volunteered to work on this
    3. Both Associations need to agree on the number shown per person. However, that was an unknown factor in this new experience
    4. Need a set of rules to be followed explicitly.
    5. Bring paintings at a specific time.
    6. Keep the same dates next year. This was a good time.
    7. Have banners already made for next year’s date.
    8. White letters on a sign read better from a distance
    9. Bring own Bin Art...Have own Bin for it.

Carson Valley Art Association, PO Box 2048, Gardnerville, NV 89410